Slimline Credit Card Wallets are the perfect accessory to hold just the right amount of cards. Designed to fit up to 6-8 credit cards the Wally Wallet will be your everyday go to.
Guys - its so slimline you can barely see it in your pocket, Ladies it will reduce the weight of your handbag and is the perfect size to grab and go when you don't want to take your bag with you.
Wally features a pull tab to 'pop' the cards out - no more trying to get fingers in small spaces! Plus a handy back pocket for your most used cards or some business cards or folded notes.
The detailing on the tab is either a Bling or a 12 Gauge Shotgun rivet. Attention to detail is throughout this wallet with every edge being painted with special no chip edge paint imported from Italy. Which increases the longevity of each product and provides a beautiful finish.
100% handcrafted in New Zealand - you can be sure your buying something to last